
Please read carefully and agree to Visitor Rules and Regulations, collection/use of personal information, use and provision of personal information for marketing, provision of personal information to third parties, and the right to refuse consent.

Visitor Rules and Regulations

1. Rules and Regulations
By registering or accepting the admittance to the exhibition, visitors agree that they shall observe and comply with the applicable rules and regulations along with the exhibition’s rules and regulations (the copy of the regulations is obtainable from the Fair Manager on request).

2. Visitor Conduct
Visitors shall not do, or permit anything to be done, which shall cause a disturbance, nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience, damage to any person or thing or which in the opinion of the Fair Manager does not conform with the general standards of the exhibition or amounts to a breach of these rules and regulations or applicable laws and regulations generally applying.
Visitors may not bring any camera, video recording equipment of any kind to the Exhibition without the prior written consent of the Fair Manager. The Fair Manager reserves the right to search the belongings of any visitor at any time.
It is expressly prohibited for visitors to record images in any form while attending the exhibition without the prior written consent of the Fair Manager. Such prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the taking of photographs, video recording of any type and drawing or sketching of images. Visitors agree to surrender to the Fair Manager on demand any material on which images may be recorded in violation of this rule, including but not limited to film, video tapes, sketchbooks, camera phones and digital storage devices.
Should a visitor in breach of the above rule record any image, the copyright and other intellectual property or other rights (including the avoidance of doubt, rights in sound recording and broadcasts) (hereinafter referred to as "Intellectual Property Right" or "IPR") whether arising now or in the future shall vest in the Fair Manager unconditionally and immediately on the creation or recording of the images.
The visitor undertakes to execute all deeds and documents and to do all things as the Fair Manager may require to vest in the Fair Manager including, without limitation, delivery of the images or copies of them in any media.

The Fair Manager reserves the right to refuse admittance to any visitor or to require any visitor to leave if in the Fair Manager’s opinion his or her behavior is in breach of these rules and regulations or of any rules and regulations of the exhibition hall, or contravenes applicable laws and regulations generally applying. The opinion of the Fair Manager is final in this regard.

3. Liability
The Fair Manager shall not be liable to any visitor for any loss of or damage to any of his or her property occurring (from whatever cause) in or about the exhibition hall nor for the death of or any injury sustained by any visitor whilst on or leaving the exhibition hall (other than for death or injury resulting from negligence to the extent this cannot be excluded or restricted at law and then only to such extent). The visitor agrees that the Fair Manager shall not incur any liability to him or her for any products displayed or sold by any exhibitor at the exhibition.
Each visitor agrees to indemnify and hold the Fair Manager harmless, on demand, against all claims, liabilities, losses, suits, proceedings, damages, judgments, expenses, costs (including legal fees) and charges of any kind howsoever incurred by or on behalf of or made against the Fair Manager arising out of any infringement or other claim relating to or arising out of the unauthorized taking of any images by that visitor.
The visitor agrees that the Fair Manager shall not incur any liability to him/her for any error or omission in any information relating to any exhibitor or its products in the exhibition’s official directory or in any other promotional or other printed materials or information provided by the Fair Manager or that exhibitor.
The visitor acknowledges and agrees that the Fair Manager, its employees, and its subcontractors may take a photograph or video which includes an image of the visitor (hereinafter referred to as the "Images") while attending the exhibition. The visitor hereby consents to and grants to the Fair Manager and its affiliates the unrestricted, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, and transferable right and license to use (and grant others the right to use) the Images worldwide without any compensation. The visitor acknowledges that the Fair Manager is the sole and exclusive owner of all rights to the Images and hereby waives (a) any and all rights to such Images and (b) any and all claims the visitor may have relating to or arising from the Images or their use.
No waiver by the Fair Manager of any of the provisions of these rules and regulations or of any of its rights hereunder shall have effect unless given in writing and signed by any director of the Fair Manager.

Collection and Use of Personal Data
Personal data shall be used for purposes such as processing visitor applications, personal authentication and identification for provision of services, visitor management, personal authentication pursuant to the Internet real-name system, preventing illegal use of services, and notifications of all sorts.
Collected items such as industry, business nature, fields of interest, and purpose of visit shall only be used for the visitor statistics in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
Item Purpose of collection Period
Required items: Name, e-mail, company name, zip code, company address, country, department, job position, company phone number, mobile phone number, industry, business nature, field of interest, purpose of visit, cognitive pathway Authenticating and identifying visitors, issuing attendance certificate, using visitor statistics, and providing match-making services for participating companies and buyers One (1) year

You have the right not to consent to the collection and use of personal data. If you do not consent to the collection and use of the particulars of required personal data, the minimum level of personal data to be collected, you may be unable to apply for pre-registration.

I agree to the visitor rules and regulations and the collection/use of personal information. (Required)
Provision of personal information to a third party

1. "ISEC" shall provide personal data to the third party as follows:
Checking the appropriate checkbox on the provision of personal data to a third party, applicable to both online pre-registration and onsite registration, acts as a statement of consent to the provision of personal data by a data subject.

2. Scanning the visitor’s personal barcode on the exhibitors’ barcode reader (for product consultations and event participation), is an implied consent which provides authority to handle and transfer the visitor’s personal data to the third party.

- The recipient of personal data: Exhibitors ( -, 지란지교데이터, 한국기업보안, AhnLab, Aircode Co., LTD, Akamai Technologies, Astron Security Co.,Ltd., AXGATE, BANDI S&C, BELLOCK, Bitdefender Korea,, Busan?Ulsan?Gyeongnam Information Protection Industry Association, Cato Networks, Central Radio Management Service, CERTKOREA, City Regeneration and Safety Association, COMXI Co., Ltd., CONNEC THINK CORPORATION, CPLATFORM, Crontit, CrowdStrike Inc., CyberArk, Cyberdigm, DRM inside Co., Ltd, DualAuth Co., Ltd., EASYCERTI Inc., Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, ENKI, eNsecure Inc., eROP, ESTsecurity, e-Tech System CO.,Ltd, ETEVERS, EVERYZONE, Fairfax County Economic Development Authority, Fasoo, Fast IDentity Online Alliance, Financial Security Institute, FORTINET, Genians, GITSN, Inc., GLIMPS(Daon Tech), Hanwha General Insurance, HDN(HanDreamNet) Co., Ltd., HIZEN, IGLOO Corporation, Imperva(CYBERTEK), Information Systems Audit and Control Association Korea, INITECH, Innerbus, INSPIEN, Intelligent Transport Society of Korea, ISEC, ITian, ITSTATION Inc., Jamf Software, Inc., Jason Inc., Jinnetworks, JiranSecurity, JiranSNC Co.,Ltd, JIRANSOFT, Korea Association For Biometrics Identity Security, Korea Association for ICT Promotion, Korea Association of Game Industry, Korea Association of Industrial Technology Security, Korea Aviation Security Association, Korea Corporate Security Managers’ Council, Korea Council of Chief Information Security Officers, Korea Counter-Terrorism Industry Association, Korea Cyberforce Association, Korea Defense Industry Trade Support Center, Korea Department Stores Association, Korea High-tech Safety Industry Association, KOREA Image Information research Association, Korea Information Certificate Authority Inc., Korea Information Security Industry Association, Korea Information Technology Research Institute, Korea Information Technology Service Industry Association, Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute, Korea Mobile Virtual Network Operators Association, Korea On-Line Shopping Association, Korea Personal Information Protection Law Association, Korea Security Association, Korea Software Industry Association, Korea Surveillance Instruments Industry Cooperative, Korean Association of Cybersecurity Studies, Korean National Police Agency, KOREAN NATIONAL SECURITY AND PUBLIC SAFETY ASSOCIATION, Korean Society For Internet Information, KSIGN Co., Ltd,, L7 Security Co., Ltd., Logpresso Inc., mcloudoc Co., Ltd, Menlo Security, MetanetTplatform, Microsoft Korea, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Science and ICT, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Mocomsys Inc., MONITORAPP, NAONWORKS Co., Ltd., National Council of Broadcasting and Communications Officials, National Security Research Institute, Netand Co.,Ltd, NETS Co.,Ltd., Nozomi Networks, NPCore, Inc, NTUM, OffSec, ONEITM, Online Privacy Association, Palo Alto Networks, Penta Security, Personal Information Protection Commission, PIOLINK, Plantynet, PNPSECURE, PRIBIT Technology Inc., Privacy Expert Instructors Association, Public Ordering Sector Conference, Quad Miners, Quarry Systems Co., Ltd., QueryPie, R.O.K Cyber Command, RealSecu CO.,LTD, ROLTECH, S2W INC, SANDS Lab, SAT Information Co.,Ltd., SECUI, Seculayer co., ltd., SECULETTER, Secure Letter Inc., SecuriON, SentinelOne, SGA Solutions, SKShieldus, SNAPTAG Co., Ltd., Softcamp Co., Ltd, SOFTFLOW Inc., SOLUPIA, SOOSAN INT, Sparrow, SSNC, SSR INC., SunyuNS, Synopsys Korea Inc, Tatum security, Telecommunications Technology Association, The Korea Association For Industrial Security, The Korean Association for Terrorism Studies, ToCSG Co.,Ltd., Trend Micro Inc., Verkada, warevalley, WEEDS KOREA, WINS Co., Ltd., WIZBASE INC., Yokogawa Korea, ZIEN )
- Purpose for which the recipient collects and uses personal data: Development of new services (products), provision of customized services, provision of information on events and advertisement, and of opportunity for participation
- Items to be provided: Name, e-mail, company name, zip code, company address, country, department, job position, company phone number, mobile phone number, industry, business nature, fields of interest, purpose of visit, cognitive pathway
- The period during which the recipient retains and uses personal data: One (1) year from the date personal data is provided

※ You have the right to refuse to consent to the provision of personal information to third parties. If you do not agree, you may not be able to receive necessary materials and services from the exhibitors.

I agree to the provision of my personal data to third parties and transfer of my personal data overseas as outlined in this Statement. (Optional)
Visitor info
Company Email
Email Check
Company Name
Job title
Telephone - -
Mobile - -

Please enter your details.
Personal Information Protection Solution History Management
Data Leakage Prevention Anti DDos Solution
Database Security DRM (Digital Rights Management)
DLP (Data Loss Protection) Digital Forensics
Ransom Ware Network Segmentation & Consolidation
Mobile Device Security (MDS) Document Centralisation
Firewall Vaccine
Backup/Recovery Solution Security Switch
VPN (Virtual Private Network) Block Chain Security
Server Security Secure Coding
IPS/IDS Anti-Spam/Phishing Solution
Encrypted Wire & Wireless Equipment Application Security
Quantum Cryptography/Communication SDN (Software-Defined Networking)
AI Security Solution APT Solution
FDS (Fraud Detection System) NAC (Network Access Control)
NFV (Network Function Virtualization) MDM (Mobile Device Management)
OTP (One Time Password) Web Application Firewall
Webshell Defence WIPS (Wireless Intrusion Prevention System)
UTM (Unified Threat Management) EDR (Endpoint Detection & Response)
NDR (Network Detection & Response) MDR (Managed Detection & Response)
XDR (Extended Detection & Response) Image Privacy Solution
ESM (Enterprise Security System) Information Leakage Prevention Solution
Information Destruction Solution Hard Copy Security
KMS (Knowledge Management System) Content Security
Cloud Security Integrated PC Security
PMS (Patch Management System) SOAR (Security Orchestration Automation & Response)
CDR (Contents Disarm & Reconstruction) SASE (Secure Access Service Edge)
CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker) CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management)
CWPP (Cloud Workload Protection Platform) Attendance Management System
Wiretapping Detection System Biometrics Identity Solution
Smart Appliance Security Solution Smart Healthcare Device Security Solution
Smart Car Security Solution IoT System-based Security Solution
Alarm Monitoring System NFC-based Security System
Thermal Infrared Full-Body Scanner Trade Secret Management System
Remote Transmission & Monitoring Equipment Remote Access System
Intelligent Road Traffic Video Detection Solution Intelligent Image Analysis System
Access Control System Kiosk Security Solution
Integrated Control Solution Integrated Security Service
Home Automation Solution Video Conference Security Solution
Purpose of visit
Security Products Purchase Consultation Security trends and issues identified
Collect new information Security skills
Case Studies demonstrating visit
Cognitive path
Government department's official letter Organizer's email/newsletter
Online invitation Recommended by an associate
Online banner advertisement YouTube