Privacy policy

We, International Security Conference, take individual privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy Statement explains our policies and practices. We respect your privacy and we will use reasonable endeavours:

ㆍto implement computer, physical and procedural safeguards to reasonably protect the security and confidentiality of the personal data we collect;
ㆍto limit the personal data collected to the minimum required to provide better service;
ㆍto permit only properly trained, authorized employees to access personal data;
ㆍnot to disclose your personal data to external parties unless you have agreed, we are required by law or any lawful request of any enforcement agencies or we have previously informed you.

○ This policy will take effect on July 1, 2024.

1. Information collection

In order to provide better service to you and to fulfil the purposes set out in the next paragraph, we may collect certain information when you register with us or communicate with us. In the process, we may also collect personal information of individual contact persons of companies or their employees, i.e. name, address, telephone number, mobile phone number, fax number, e-mail address and job title. As stated in the registration form, some of the requested information is mandatory and some of them you may provide voluntarily. If specific mandatory information is requested but not supplied, we may be unable to provide the requested service. We only retain personal data for so long as it is necessary for fulfilling the purposes set out in the next paragraph.

Period of Use and Retention of Personal Data
In principle, we will promptly destroy personal data in our possession once we achieve the purpose of collection and use of personal data. However, the following categories of personal data will be retained by us for the duration of the periods specified below.

Retention under Company Policy
Record of Illegal Activity - Purpose: Prevention of illegal activity / Period: 1 year

Use of Information
Processing applications for exhibiting at or visiting our trade fairs
ㆍFacilitating and enhancing our operations by incorporating the personal data into our database and conducting analysis, research and auditing based on the personal data
ㆍPromoting and notifying you of our trade fairs in Korea and around the world, and events or trade fairs organised by our affiliates and joint venture partners.
ㆍDistributing publications and research materials of our company
ㆍMarketing our services or products
ㆍIf necessary, facilitating legal proceedings, including collecting overdue amounts Period: 5 years

Retention under Applicable Laws and Regulations
If required under the Commercial Code, the Law on Protection of Consumers in E-Commerce and other applicable laws and regulations, we will retain personal data for the period specified under such laws and regulations. In such case, we will use personal data only for the purpose of retaining such data. The retention periods are as follows.
Records on Contracts or Cancellation of Orders - Purpose: Law on Protection of Consumers in E-Commerce / Period: 5 years
Records on Payment and Goods and Services- Purpose: Law on Protection of Consumers in E-Commerce / Period: 5 years
Records on Electronic Financial Transactions - Purpose: Electronic Financial Transactions Law / Period: 5 years
Records on Consumer Disputes and Resolution - Purpose: Law on Protection of Consumers in E-Commerce / Period: 3 years
Records of Website Visits - Purpose: Communications Secrets Law / Period: 3 months

Procedure and Method for Destruction of Personal Data
In principle, we will promptly destroy personal data in our possession once we achieve the purpose of collection and use of personal data. The process and means of destroying personal data are as follows.

Personal data will be transferred to a separate database (or separate document file for paper documents) and destroyed after storage for a certain period pursuant to our internal policy or applicable laws and regulations (please refer to the provisions on retention and use period).

Such personal data will not be used for any purpose other than the purpose permitted under the applicable laws and regulations.

Personal data that has been printed on paper will be shredded through the use of document shredder or incinerated.

Personal data stored in electronic file form will be deleted by using technical means that will not allow data recovery.

2. Use of information

The purposes for which information may be used by us include:
ㆍprocessing applications for exhibiting at or visiting our trade fairs
ㆍfacilitating and enhancing our operations by incorporating the personal data into our database and conducting analysis, research and auditing based on the personal data
ㆍpromoting and notifying you of our trade fairs in Korea and around the world, and events or trade fairs organised by our affiliates and joint venture partners
ㆍdistributing publications and research materials of our company
ㆍmarketing our services or products
ㆍif necessary, facilitating legal proceedings, including collecting overdue amounts

Direct marketing
We intend to use your personal data, including your name, email address and physical address, to conduct direct marketing in relation to the promotion of and invitation to our trade fairs in Korea and around the world, and events or trade fairs organised by our affiliates and joint venture partners, as well as the promotion of our services via fax, email, direct mail, telephone and other means of communication, or send e-newsletters to you. We will not so use your personal data unless we have received your consent to the said intended use. You may choose not to receive promotional materials by simply telling us through the below contact details, and we will cease to do so, without charge.

3. Disclosure / Transfer of Data

We will keep the personal data we hold confidential but may provide or transfer the personal data to:
ㆍour agents, advisers, auditors, contractors, and service providers in connection with our operations or services for facilitating and enhancing our operations and conducting analysis, research and auditing based on the personal data
ㆍour overseas offices, affiliates, and joint venture partners, which are also exhibition organisers, for the purpose of conducting direct marketing in relation to the promotion of and invitation to our trade fairs in Korea and around the world
ㆍpersons to whom we are required to make disclosure under applicable laws in or outside Korea
ㆍyour name and contact information will be provided to Association of Korea Exhibition Industry( for attendance check as part of their domestic exhibition certification system.

Provision of data for direct marketing

Please note that we intend to provide the personal data we collect, including your name, email address and physical address, to our overseas offices, affiliates, and joint venture partners, which are also exhibition organisers, for their use in direct marketing in relation to the promotion of and invitation to their trade fairs and events. We will not so provide your personal data for the said purposes unless we have received your written consent to the aforesaid intended provision.

4. Cookies

When you browse our website, cookies may be stored in your computer's hard drive. We use cookies to personalise your use of our website and to operate the service areas. You have a choice not to accept cookies, but if you do certain functionality may become unavailable.

5. Security

In general, your personal data is kept confidential and is only accessible by authorised personnel. Personal data stored electronically are password-protected. Encryption technology is used on our secured web areas. We recommend that you do not divulge your User Login Name and Password to anyone. Our personnel will never ask you for your User Login Name and Password in an unsolicited phone call or in an unsolicited e-mail.

Remember to sign out of your Account and close your browser window when you have finished your session with the Website. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your User Account and Password.

6. Hyperlinks

Our websites may include links to external sites, including sites of members, third parties and "co-branded" sites. Links to external sites do not imply any endorsement of such sites (or any products or services offered thereon) by us or any warranty or guarantee of any information provided thereon. We disclaim and exclude any responsibility or liability for any external site for which a link is provided and this Privacy Policy shall not apply to any such site. Please refer to the privacy policies of the other websites.

7. Changes

Any changes to this Privacy Policy Statement will be posted on this webpage and effective immediately on the posting date.

8. Your consent and rights

Under the Personal Information Protection Act of Korea, individuals have the right: ㆍto check whether we hold personal data about you and to access such data ㆍto require us to correct inaccurate data ㆍto ascertain our policies and practices in relation to personal data and the kind of personal data held by us.

Please send requests to access or correct data, to cease communications, and questions or complaints to:

▶ Privacy Officer
     Name : Choi So-Young
     Job title : President
     Tel : +82-2-719-6933
     Fax : +82-2-715-8245
     Email :

▶ Privacy Department
     Department : IT department
     Manager : Park Sung-Ho
     Tel : 02-719-69333
     Fax : 02-715-8245
     Email :