
Track B
2024.10.16 14:40 ~ 15:20
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Artificial Intelligence + Cyber Threat Intelligence = Future Security Innovation


Park Taeyong, Principal Researcher

If you were to stop someone on the street and ask if they know the term ""AI,"" most would answer ""yes."" But how much do you know about AI? Have you ever thought about what you can do with AI or what you would like to achieve with it? What kind of answer would you give to my question? Would you ask Chat GPT for the answer to my question? AI has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives and is being utilized to enhance convenience.
AI, or artificial intelligence, is already being used in various fields such as autonomous driving, speech recognition, and image processing. For instance, you can easily find traces of AI in smartphone voice assistants, search engine recommendation systems, and medical diagnostic systems. AI helps analyze vast amounts of data to find patterns that humans might not notice, make predictions, and assist in decision-making. Can AI bring innovative changes in the field of security as well?
If you were to stop someone on the street and ask if they know the term ""CTI,"" most would answer ""no."" Have you ever encountered CTI solutions? If so, do you find CTI difficult? Would you ask Chat GPT for the answer to my question? Or would you ask DarkChat, which specializes in CTI? If you could receive intelligence enhanced by AI in CTI solutions, what kind of intelligence would you want to receive?
The combination of AI and CTI will open a new era in cybersecurity. What kind of information would you like to receive through such AI-based CTI solutions? For example, real-time threat alerts, predicted types of cyber attacks, or automated response measures. The combination of AI and CTI will make a significant contribution to creating a safer digital environment.