
Free Application Form
Visitors Rules and Regulations

1. Rules and Regulations
In registering for or accepting the offer of admittance to the Exhibition, visitors agree that they shall observe and comply with these rules and regulations and with the rules and regulations of the Exhibition Centre, copies of which are obtainable from the Organisers on request.

2. Conduct in the Exhibition Centre
Visitors shall not do, or permit anything to be done, which shall cause a disturbance, nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience, damage or danger to any person or thing or which in the opinion of the Organisers does not conform with the general standards of the Exhibition or amounts to a breach of these rules and regulations or applicable laws and regulations generally applying.
Visitors may not bring any camera, video recorder or recording equipment of any kind into the Exhibition without the prior written consent of the Organisers. The Organisers reserve the right to search the belongings of any visitor at any time.
It is expressly prohibited for visitors to record images in any form while attending the Exhibition without the prior written consent of the Organisers. Such prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the taking of photographs, video or digital recording of any type and drawing or sketching of images. Visitors agree to surrender to the Organisers on demand any material in whatever media on which images may be recorded in violation of this rule, including but not limited to film, video tapes, sketchbooks, camera phones and digital storage devices.
Should a Visitor in breach of the above rule record any image, the copyright and other intellectual property or other rights (including for the avoidance of doubt, rights in sound recording and broadcasts) whether arising now or in the future (“IPR”) shall vest in the Organisers unconditionally and immediately on the creation or recording of the images. The Visitor undertakes to execute all deeds and documents and to do all things as the Organisers may require to vest the IPR in the Organisers including, without limitation, delivery of the images or copies of them in any media.
The Organisers reserve the right in its sole discretion to refuse admittance to any visitor or to require any visitor to leave if in their opinion his or her behaviour is in breach of these rules and regulations or of any rules and regulations of the Exhibition Centre, or contravenes applicable laws and regulations generally applying. The opinion of the Organisers is final in this regard.

3. Liability
The Organisers shall not be liable to any visitor for any loss of or damage to any of his or her property occurring (from whatever cause) in or about the Exhibition Centre nor for the death of or any injury sustained by any visitor whilst on or leaving the Exhibition Centre (other than for death or injury resulting from the Organisers negligence to the extent this cannot be excluded or restricted at law (and then only to such extent)).
The Visitor agrees that the Organisers shall not incur any liability to him or her for any products displayed or sold by any exhibitor at the Exhibition.
Each Visitor agrees to indemnify and hold the Organisers harmless, on demand, against all claims, liabilities, losses, suits, proceedings, damages, judgments, expenses, costs (including legal fees) and charges of any kind howsoever incurred by or on behalf of or made against the Organisers, its employees, agents and contractors arising out of any infringement or other claim relating to or arising out of the unauthorised taking of any Images by that Visitor.
The Visitor agrees that the Organisers shall not incur any liability to him or her for any error or omission in any information relating to any exhibitor or its products in the Exhibition's official directory or in any other promotional or other printed materials or information provided by the Organisers or that exhibitor.
Visitor acknowledges and agrees that the Organiser, its employees and contractors may take photographs/videos which could include images of the Visitor while attending the Exhibition (the “Images”). Visitor hereby consents to and grants to the Organiser and its affiliates, the unrestricted, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free and transferable right and license to use (and grant others the right to use) the Images worldwide without any compenFri.ion. Visitor acknowledges that the Organiser is the sole and exclusive owner of all rights in the Images and hereby waives (a) any and all rights in and to such Images, and (b) any and all claims the Visitor may have relating to or arising from the Images or their use.
No waiver by the Organisers of any of the provisions of these rules and regulations or of any of its rights hereunder shall have effect unless given in writing and signed by any Director of the Organisers.

4. Privacy Policy Statement from the Organisers

The Organisers take individual privacy seriously. This Statement explains their policies and practices.
The Organisers respect privacy of the Visitor and the Organisers will use their reasonable endeavour to:
• to implement computer, physical and procedural safeguards to reasonably protect the security and confidentiality of the personal data the Organisers collect;
• to limit the personal data collected to the minimum required to provide better service;
• to permit only properly trained, authorized employees to access personal data;
• not to disclose the personal data to external parties unless the Visitor has agreed, the Organisers are required by law or any lawful request of any enforcement agencies or the Organisers have previously informed the Visitor.
(1) Information collection
In order to provide better service to the Visitor and to fulfil the purposes set out in the next paragraph, the Organisers may collect certain information when the Visitor register with them or communicate with them. In the process, the Organisers may also collect personal information of individual contact persons of companies or their employees. As stated in the registration form, some of the requested information is mandatory and some of them the Visitor may provide voluntarily. If specific mandatory information is requested but not supplied, the Organisers may be unable to provide the requested service. The Organisers only retain personal data for so long as it is necessary or for a specific minimum period of time fulfilling purposes with reasons described below:
- Retention period: 5 years, for the purpose of use of information set out in (2) the next paragraph
- Retention period: 1 year, for the purpose of preventing illicit use
- Retention period: 3 months, for the records of visits in accordance with the Protection of Communications Secrets Act
- Retention period: 6 months, for the records related to ID verification in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection
- Retention period: 3 years, for the records of consumer complaints or dispute settlement in accordance with the Act on the Consumer Protection in the Electronic Commerce Transactions
- Retention period: 5 years, for the records related to contracts or withdrawal of subscription in accordance with the Act on the Consumer Protection in the Electronic Commerce Transactions
- Retention period: 5 years, for the records regarding payment and supply of goods in accordance with the Act on the Consumer Protection in the Electronic Commerce Transactions
(2) Disclosure / Transfer of Data
The Organisers will keep the personal data they hold confidential but may provide or transfer the personal data to:
• their agents, advisers, auditors, contractors, and service providers in connection with their operations or services for facilitating and enhancing their operations and conducting analysis, research and auditing based on the personal data
• their overseas offices, affiliates, joint venture partners, which are also exhibition organisers, for the purpose of conducting direct marketing in relation to the promotion of and invitation to their trade fairs in Republic of Korea and around the world
• persons to whom the Organisers are required to make disclosure under applicable laws in or outside Republic of Korea
(3) Cookies [applicable to online user]
When the Visitors browse website of the Organisers, cookies may be stored in the computer's hard drive of the Visitors. The Organisers use cookies to personalise use of their website and to operate the service areas. The Visitors have a choice not to accept cookies, but if the Visitor do, certain functionality may become unavailable.
(4) Security
In general, Personal Data of the Visitor is kept confidential and is only accessible by authorised personnel. Personal data stored electronically are password-protected. Encryption technology is used on the secured web areas of the Organisers. The Organisers recommend that the Visitor do not divulge his/her User Login Name and Password to anyone. The personnel of the Organisers will never ask the Visitor for his/her User Login Name and Password in an unsolicited phone call or in an unsolicited e-mail. Remember to sign out of his/her Account and close the browser window when the Visitor has finished his/her session with the Website. The Visitor is responsible for all activities that occur under his/her User Account and Password.
(5) Hyperlinks [applicable to online user]
Their websites may include links to external sites, including sites of members, third parties and "co-branded" sites. Links to external sites do not imply any endorsement of such sites (or any products or services offered thereon) by the Organisers or any warranty or guarantee of any information provided thereon. The Organisers disclaim and exclude any responsibility or liability for any external site for which a link is provided and this Privacy Policy shall not apply to any such site. Please refer to the privacy policies of the other websites.
(6) Changes
Any changes to this Privacy Policy Statement will be posted on and effective immediately on the posting date.
(7) Transfer of Data Overseas
The Organisers will generally hold personal data of the Visitor on their servers in Republic of Korea. However, the Organisers may transfer it to their overseas offices elsewhere in the world or to any of the people listed at paragraph 4(3) above, who may be located elsewhere.
(8) Consent and rights of the Visitor
By checking the appropriate box below or by signing at the space provided below, the Visitor consent to the collection and use of his/her personal data as outlined in this Statement, including the use and provision of his/her personal data for direct marketing.
Under the Personal Information Protection Act, individuals have the right:
• to check whether the Organisers hold personal data about the Visitor and to access such data
• to require the Organisers to correct inaccurate data
• to ascertain policies and practices of the Organisers in relation to personal data and the kind of personal data held by them.

Please send requests to access or correct data, to cease communications, and questions or complaints to:
13F, Shinhan DM Building, 25, Mapo-daero,
Mapo-gu, Seoul 04167, R.O. Korea.
Tel: + 82 2 719 6933 Fax: + 82 2 715 8245
The Organisers may charge a reasonable fee for processing a data access request.
For security purpose and in order to prevent and detect crime, visitors may be subject to a random bag search and CCTV camera recording in the Exhibition Centre.

5. Governing Law & Jurisdiction
These rules and regulations shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea and all visitors submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Korea.
The rights of the Organisers are cumulative and not exclusive of rights and remedies provided by law, and may be waived only in writing and specifically. Delay in exercising or non-exercise of any such right is not a waiver of that right.
In case of discrepancy between the English and other language versions, the English version is authoritative.

Provision of General Personal Information

ISEC 2023 may provide your personal information to a third party to improve the quality of services delivered to visitors.

(1) Use of information
The purposes for which information may be used by the Organisers include:
• processing applications for exhibiting at or visiting their trade fairs
• facilitating and enhancing their operations by incorporating the personal data into their database and conducting analysis, research and auditing based on the personal data
• promoting and notifying the Visitor of their trade fairs in Republic of Korea and around the world, and events or trade fairs organised by their affiliates and joint venture partners.
• distributing publications and research materials of their company
• marketing their services or products
• if necessary, facilitating legal proceedings, including collecting overdue amounts
The Organisers may use personal data of the Visitor, including its name, email address and physical address to conduct direct marketing in relation to the promotion of and invitation to their trade fairs in Republic of Korea and around the world, and events or trade fairs organised by their affiliates and joint venture partners, as well as the promotion of their services via fax, email, direct mail, telephone and other means of communication, or send e-newsletters to the Visitor. The Organisers will not so use the personal data of the Visitor unless the Organisers have received the Visitor’s consent to the said intended use. The Visitor may choose not to receive promotional materials by simply notifying the Organisers through the below contact details, and the Organisers will cease to do so, without charge.
(2) Recipient : Fair Manager(INFOTHE Co., Ltd.) and the companies and organizations designated by organiser which are related with ISEC 2023
(3) Items to be Provided: Name, E-mail address, Company name, Division/department, Job title, Phone number (tel/mobile)
(4) Period of retention and use by recipient: 5 years

ISEC 2023 may disclose your personal information only if any of the following applies to you:
- You have provided prior consent to do so, or
- The disclosure is required or authorized by law or if a law enforcement agency makes a formal, statutory request for personal information for investigative purposes.
I agree to the Visitors Rules and Regulations.
Visitor info
Company Email @
Email Check
Company Name
Job title
Telephone - -
Mobile - -

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Purpose of visit
Security Products Purchase Consultation Security trends and issues identified
Collect new information Security skills
Case Studies demonstrating visit