
Track C Time : 2023.9.19 13:40 ~ 14:20
A true operations-driven XDR approach and MDR mail share facebook share twitter share linkedin share band share kakao

IBM Security / Doosan Digital Innovation
Moon, Chun Yong Delivery Partner Executive / Ryu, Dae Won Senior Manager

According to Cybereason, 75% of companies spend more time identifying false positives, spending about 10 hours per week investigating false positives. The average number of security tools (tools) the team uses is about 45, and analyzing the data generated by each tool is a heavy task for security personnel. In addition, the average number of warnings received by the security team is about 11,000 per day, and false positives account for about 45% of them, so the fatigue of the security team is expected to be considerable. Even about 30% of warnings are ignored.

Cybereasons XDR platform helps reduce the fatigue of those in charge who suffer from endlessly ringing warnings and false positives while increasing operational efficiency. In particular, defending all endpoints using one agent and console is possible. It provides insight to prevent attacks early by running ahead of attackers, recovering quickly, and ending attacks.

Doosan Digital Innovation


The Cybereason Defense Platform moves beyond endless alerting to instead recognize, expose, and end malicious operations before they take hold. The result: Defenders can end attacks in minutes.

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